A note on colonization, monarchy, and power.
I wish to be clear on something that perhaps I was not in the past, but wish to make abundantly clear before you open the pages to the continuation of this story. In short, this series is not a romanticization of colonization and occupation, nor that of the monarchy. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
The Alvarian siblings conquered land that was not theirs to lay claim upon seven hundred epochs (years) before this book series takes place and since then, a system of oppression and harm was put into power and eventually it evolved into what you all were introduced to in book one.
A system that uses religion as a weapon of power and control. A system that boxes in individuals at their birth. A system that should feel too close to the world we live in in the United States and other occupied lands.
None of these characters who uphold the system are meant to be cheered for, loved, respected, or adored. Their rise to power and their personal claims to a throne- a throne that should not exist- are not meant to be cheered for.
It is meant to be questioned.
Their integrity is meant to be looked at with suspicion, and their “rightful claims” are meant to be guffawed at.
Sure, certain aspects of some of these characters are admirable, but how much adoration does one deserve when their goal is to uphold a system meant to oppress, and simply put a new face as the figurehead? If one were to replace the patriarchy with the matriarchy, is that a just change, or simply replacing one oppressive system with another? Should one not instead fight to dismantle any system that upholds such classism and divisiveness? Should one wishing to fight for justice work to dismantle the entire system that allowed the injustice to begin in the first place, instead of only fighting to replace those at its head?
These are questions I encourage and hope you hold with you through this story, and the next.
I encourage discourse, disgust, and frustration when reading these characters' journeys, I encourage parallels to be found between this world and ours. I encourage hoping for the downfall of this system and ours- both of which were built by supremacists stealing land that never was theirs to step foot on.
Power is not meant to be grappled and killed for. It is corruptive and the very presence of such a concept is a symptom of a dangerous system that should be dismantled.
Much love and many adventures,
Kristina 09.04.2024